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Jun 03, 2024

Economists from the State Budget Office, House Fiscal Agency, and Senate Fiscal Agency convened May 17 for the second and final Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC) of the year. The overall message: Michigan has a strong and stable economy, despite a small decline in School Aid Revenue likely due to slower consumer spending. The purpose of the annual May conference is to update January’s state revenue forecast after income tax season.

Budget negotiations are set to begin since the House and Senate passed their versions of the fiscal year 2025 state budget and legislators know how much revenue the state is projected to have.

The Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is seeking public comment on six draft maps for redrawing Senate districts in and around Detroit. Each map would make major changes to Senate districts in the tri-county Metro Detroit area. The public comment period closes June 21 before the commission submits their final proposal to the U.S. District Court.

Click on the link below for the full May 2024 Karoub Report.


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